To the Church in Australia: This Is Not Your Final Hour BUT Your Finest Hour!

I released this prophetic word at Glory City Church on Sunday 17 March, 2019 and sense it is significant for the Bride of Christ in this hour.

“This is your finest hour, this is your finest hour. I decree to the Church in this nation, this is your finest hour it is not your final hour. The enemy has tried to come and shut the mouth of the bride but it is not your final hour, it is your finest hour. You are advancing and accelerating from glory to glory and strength to strength in Jesus’ name.

Dancers dancing on injustice. I see a picture of the bride hitching up her skirt so she can dance, picking it up and making room for her feet to move because it is time to dance beloved. It’s time to move out in victory with songs of joy because your greatest days are ahead of you, your greatest days are ahead of you!

We love being the bride, we love being the bride of Christ. Isn’t she beautiful? Isn’t she lovely!? You are altogether lovely, you are altogether lovely. And we are proud to be part of you. We’re proud to represent Jesus in the earth.

God I thank you that every joint supplies and you’re making her beautiful and you’re making us one.”


In addition the above I also sensed today that He is connecting us one to the other in unity and love - a love that covers a multitude of wrongs.

He is raising up His bride to be a force in the earth. And as each joint fulfils its roll and purpose, we will see her function in greater and greater glory as the pure, spotless bride without blemish or wrinkle that He created her to be.

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