Jesus Company
To know him and to make him known
From the place of intimacy and desiring only to please our Father, we live as ones who have lost their lives to find his! Jesus Company exists to see Jesus Christ glorified throughout the nations. We desire to mobilise believers in prayer and the gifts of the Spirit to win souls and make disciples of nations.
How YOU can join us:
Wesley Wednesday Prayer: Join us for live, monthly prayer. It is well documented that the great reformer and revivalist, John Wesley, fasted weekly to see a great move of God sweep throughout England. We desire the same for Australia, New Zealand and the Islands of the Pacific. Although we fast and pray every Wednesday, once a month we will host live revival prayer on our YouTube channel. Please join us! All are welcome! You can subscribe here.
Partner with us and join the School of Prayer and Devotion: Once a month we run a live, online training school for those who want to learn how to steward the place of abiding with the Holy Spirit and be equipped to minister to the Lord in the secret place. You will be trained in prayer, the gifts of the Spirit and join a tribe of lovers of Jesus who are passionate about seeing His Kingdom come and will done on earth as it is in heaven.
You can register for School anytime. We simply ask that you partner with Jesus Company for your place in the School. All your financial support will go directly to seeing the glorious Gospel proclaimed to the ends of the earth. If you can't join live, no worries! All students will be given access to the sessions to watch and re-watch whenever they like.
With love and great hope for the future,
Jesse and Sarah Cheesman
In partnership with us for the nations, please ensure you select the Monthly gift option through the link below. We will then contact you with details for the School.