ONLINE COURSE: You're the Voice! I sense the Holy Spirit inviting us to move into the fullness of our upward calling in Christ. Often when we receive a prophetic calling over our lives it can seem aloof or beyond us but I feel it is time for you to take ahold of it today!
It's time to release your roar! Join me for an online, 8 week course, designed to help you discover your prophetic voice. I'd love to teach you how to, as a prophetic person, operate in freedom, hope and joy, as you release the heart of the Lord to His people. My desire is that this course would be the catalyst to propel you into your prophetic destiny!
If you feel like your voice has been quashed or inhibited, it is time to break free and move ahead in freedom and take ahold of the destiny the Lord has for you. It is imperative in this hour for our individual voice to become a collective shout and I'd love to have you join the team today! Nations depend on it!
If you feel like the outworking of prophecy hasn't produced life in you, I'd love to teach you how to walk in the fullness of joy in the Holy Ghost, as the kindness of the Father is revealed to you in greater glory.
Sarah Cheesman with special guests Katherine Ruonala and Rebecca Damianopoulos.